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Chad Coenson is the award-winning author of the novel: Me and Bobby McGee, and the co-author of the forthcoming release, A D.U. Party Don't Stop: the Money B Story, which he penned collaboratively with hip-hop icon Money B of the legendary Digital Underground. Chad was born in Orlando, FL and subsequently traversed the US several times before finally finding a home in the Pacific Northwest with his family and a dog named "Bowski".


A proud Wildcat, Coenson earned his degree in Creative Writing from the University of Arizona. In addition to his books and short stories, Chad has also been the lead writer on several honored short films. Adventuring with his family, extreme sports, soccer, traveling, live music, the Portland Timbers, wave wrangling, disc golf, hitchhiking the galaxy, poetry, and socializing with strangers are other ways that Chad occupies his time.


Despite having a generally adventurous nature and a willingness to attempt almost anything, he has admittedly never had the opportunity to cast the first stone...



                                        “Fahrenheit 451.213.42.6”

Amazon’s Kindle – A convenient, modern media format for both readers and writers? Perhaps. An excellent way to cut printing costs, enabling more people to have access to literature (and “literature”)? Sure, if you say so.

Environmentally conscious methodology for distributing books? I can get behind that… But, I just can’t help but think that the media giant that controls this digital book dispensary is laughing in our faces. Not from a financial standpoint mind you. These alleged hysterics are more fraught in the semantics of the product name. The damn thing is called “Kindle”! They also make a “Kindle Fire”!! Holy shit!!! Kindle literally means “to light or set on fire.” Did we all forget about Fahrenheit 451 while we be embraced this now prevalent technology? Think about it. There are a number of books out there that have been on the “burn-list” for years. Be it the ideas expressed therein, the truths the story reveals, or the contradiction to the popular, party-line version of our history printed on the pages - books are some of societies greatest agitators. Enablers of revelations and revolutions. Shrinking more and more into this cold water, over-sensitive, neutered version of itself as Society continues to do, what better way to systematically vaporize books deemed unacceptable by those who control media? Conversely, with people on the edge, ready for real change, tired of being marginalized – what better way to silence the ghosts of revolutionaries and unboxed thinkers? Physically setting the texts on fire would be too easily evident. Through the power of advertising, the hypnosis of endless content, and the rush of instantaneous gratification, therein the wake lies a way to shelter the future from truth. Digitize the books! Unbound them from the physical world. Pace slowly and calculatedly away from printed media. Then, while people aren’t paying attention, and the next generation eclipses the aging one, an Amazon-anointed magician of “civil engineering” can simply press “delete”. POOF! Selected texts suddenly cease to exist. “No record of Behold a Pale Horse? That’s odd.” “Hmm, I thought Bobby Seale’s book was called: Seize the Time?” “Well, gee-willikers, wasn’t Huckleberry Finn fairly easy to find in the past? Oooh! Look! An ad for a book about Shape-Shifter Sex – now what was I looking for again... Never mind. This’ll do!” Just some points for your consideration...


Internal hypocrisy prevents me from directly suggesting that you, my dear reader, should not use Kindle. Mostly because I’m just happy that people are reading at all these days. Partially because I’m sick of soapbox (self-proclaimed) prophets smugly telling everyone else what to do, and also because if that’s your preferred method of reading you can find my works on their as well... But, for the folks who even kind-of feel me on this, if you don’t want to pay Media Merchant prices for a printed copy of my works, you can source books directly from me. Just go to the contact page and send me a note. And, please, take the time to ponder the name of America's favorite digital reading device - be it "the act of burning", or "the Fire" itself. While you’re at it, you might consider giving a thought to what Ray Bradbury was trying to tell us… And, if that’s not enough, consider this: If you unscramble the letters in the name Jeff Bezos you get: “Bejzefosf”! A well-known, little-known demon from the lost civilization of Rapa Nui… Need I say more?





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